
These products are the only braces (orthodics) that actually increase circulation at the joint that needs help.  Arthritis can affect many of the joints in the body.                


What do we have that can help you?     

Hands, Elbow,  Clavicle,   Lower back,  Full back, Knee and Ankle.

Also see the New knee brace on the new posts page!

Hands               Three types of Gloves:  Arthritic, Carpal Tunnel, and Wrist lok.                     

arthritic glove
  Elbow               right or left elbow brace: ROM Hinged Elbow                    


Clavical Support Now approved!                    


Best lower back brace on the market,  APD Rigid Lumbar Support Arthritis TO T-9    The Thermoskin Lumbar Support with Removable Moldable Insert provides pain relief and compression for muscle relief and general back dysfunctions. It has a moldable insert and two adjustable straps.                

 Back brace with compression              


Knee                 right or left –  Hinged Range of Motion                     


Ankle/Feet                  AFG Stabilizer (wears like house slippers)                     


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Or call David Shepard (509) 961-1769

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